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单位:沈阳大学     作者:朱一丹,关佳征     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:学科与学科相互融合和碰撞,可以激发出更多的可能性。文章通过设计实例来浅析艺术设计与海洋生物学之间的关系;通过三个方向的仿生设计案例分析出海洋生物能为艺术设计提供灵感来源;从探索深海领域、海洋危机的角度和海洋生物学研究面临的问题,分析出艺术设计是海洋生物学重要的表达手段和解决手段。艺术与科学的碰撞,艺术设计与海洋生物学的相辅相成,使人类进程迈出了伟大的一步。


中图分类号:J0-05 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Discipline and discipline integration and collision, stimulate more possibilities. This paper analyzes the relationship between art design and Marine biology through design examples. Through the case analysis of bionic design in three directions, it is found that Marine organisms can provide inspiration for artistic design. From the perspective of exploring the deep sea domain, ocean crisis and the problems faced by Marine biology research, it is analyzed that art design is an important means of expression and solution of Marine biology. Art and science, art design and Marine biology complement each other, making a great step forward in the human process.

Key Words:Art Design; Marine Biology; Source of inspiration; Means of expression; Solution