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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:施文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:文章对日照市大夏家岭清代四合院空间进行实态调研,了解了四合院的历史文化脉络。通过走访考察、调研、绘制院落复原图与防御路线图等研究方式,整理其中的空间形态特征,分析院落空间布局,归纳总结院落空间布局形成的原因,进一步研究大夏家岭四合院院落外部及建筑内部的空间形态。以期为时代语境下传统民居的保护及空间演化提供支持。


中图分类号:TU241.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract: This paper investigates the courtyard space in the Qing dynasty in jiaoling, Daxia, Rizhao, to understand the historical and cultural context of the courtyard, and through investigation, investigation, drawing the courtyard restoration map, Defensive Road Map and other research methods, sorting out the characteristics of the space form, analyzing the space layout of the courtyard, summing up the reasons for the formation of the space layout of the courtyard, and further studying the space form of the outside of the courtyard and the inside of the building in daxiajialing, it provides the support for the protection and the spatial evolution of the traditional residence in the context of the times.

Key Words:Daxiajialing; quadrangle; Qing Dynasty; Spatial form