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单位:西南科技大学...     作者:杨小蕾,饶锦锋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:羌族是历史悠久的民族,其文化特征鲜明,具有重要的研究意义。本文主要以分形理论为基础,以羌族传统图案中最具有特色和代表的“羊角花纹”“羊纹”和“云纹”为研究对象,对其进行分形分析,辅以MATLAB中的分形分析工具箱Fraclab,并计算得到其分形维数分别为1.717、1.849、1.451。结果表明:以上羌族传统图案的分形维数均在合理取值范围内,分形概念其实早已融入羌族图案中。分形理论不仅仅在平面设计及视觉传达上具有指导意义,更能通过其理论,将自然元素运用于民族性产品设计中,可为羌族文化的传承和发展探索出新方法和新思路。


中图分类号:J51 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Qiang nationality is a nation with a long history, and its cultural characteristics are distinct, which has important research significance. Based on the fractal theory, this paper takes the most characteristic and representative "sheep horn pattern", "sheep pattern" and "cloud pattern" of Qiang traditional patterns as the research object, and makes a fractal analysis of them. With the help of fractal analysis toolbox fraclab in MATLAB, the fractal dimensions are calculated to be 1.717, 1.849 and 1.451 respectively. The results show that the fractal dimensions of the above Qiang traditional patterns are in a reasonable range, and the concept of fractal has already been integrated into the Qiang patterns. Fractal theory not only has guiding significance in graphic design and visual communication, but also can apply natural elements to national product design through its theory, which can explore new methods and ideas for the inheritance and development of Qiang culture.

Key Words:fractal theory; Qiang pattern; analysis