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单位:武汉设计工程学院     作者:黄琳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:传统编织工艺是中国古代人民借助生活中的常见事物和创意思维形成的手工艺,在长久的发展过程中,不断吸收和借鉴了中华传统文化的内涵和创意。随着时代的发展和进步,我国现代首饰设计逐渐将目光转移至中国传统编织工艺,将其丰富的形式和制作工艺融入首饰设计当中,创造出时尚的、富有个性的首饰饰品。本文着重阐述了传统编织工艺在现代首饰设计中的运用意义及思路,并赋予实践。以期为相关研究人员提供参考和借鉴。


中图分类号:TS934.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional knitting technology is a handicraft formed by ancient Chinese people with the help of common things in life and creative thinking. In the long process of development, it has continuously absorbed and learned from the connotation and creativity of Chinese traditional culture. With the development and progress of the times, China's modern jewelry design has gradually shifted its attention to the traditional Chinese knitting process, which integrates the rich forms and production technology in the design, creating various fashionable and personalized jewelry. This paper focuses on the significance and ideas of traditional knitting technology in modern jewelry design, and gives practice. In order to provide reference for relevant researchers. 

Key Words:Traditional Knitting technology; jewelry design; application