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单位:澳门科技大学...     作者:刘晓龙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:开化寺壁画是目前现存面积最大保存较为完整的宋代寺观壁画,但是由于时间因素和自然破坏等因素,壁画存在很大程度的缺损和破坏。文章首先阐述了数字修复的概念和优势,然后结合数字修复阐述开化寺壁画的修复与保护的意义,最后提出开化寺壁画的数字修复设计思路。以期为壁画修复提供一定的借鉴。

关键词:开化寺壁画 ;数字修复;设计思路

中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The mural of Kaihua Temple is the largest and relatively intact one of the temple mural in Song Dynasty. However, due to the factors of time and natural destruction, the mural has been greatly damaged. Firstly, this paper proposes the concept and advantages of digital restoration from the overview of digital restoration, and combines the significance of digital restoration to the restoration and protection of the frescoes of Kaihua Temple. Then expounds the idea of digital restoration design of Kaihua Temple frescoes. In order to provide some reference for the restoration of murals.

Key Words:frescoes of Kaihua Temple; Digital Restoration; Design Ideas