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单位:深圳技术大学...     作者:周桐,杜海滨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:当前我国老年人口基数大,公共交通服务资源配置不均衡,因此文章基于服务设计思维,通过设计改良符合老年人出行需求的公交设施与运行体系,更好地服务于老年人的公共出行需求。首先,通过走访调查与数据分析等方法,定位用户画像与模拟用户行程;然后,通过叙述性设计表达与去中心化思维,进行设计构思与论证;最后,从服务设计思维出发,构建老年乘客地区热力点,对公共巴士运行系统与设施进行再设计。以期让老年人可以更安全、更方便、更舒适的出行。


中图分类号:U469.13 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, our country has a large elderly population, and the allocation of public transportation service resources is uneven. Based on service design thinking, the article designs and improves public transportation facilities and operation systems that meet the travel needs of the elderly to better serve the public travel needs of the elderly. Through visits and surveys and data analysis methods, positioning user portraits and simulating user journeys, through narrative design expression and decentralized thinking, design ideas and demonstrations. Starting from service design thinking, build a hot spot for elderly passengers, and redesign the public bus operation system and facilities.In order to make the elderly can be safer, more convenient, more comfortable travel.

Key Words:Service Design Thinking; The Aged; Public Bus Design