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单位:东北林业大学     作者:张与洋,金鸿儒,万辉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:文章以现阶段自然与人为灾害频生的情况为背景,以提升百姓及产品设计师们在日常生活与工作中的灾害意识为目的,为室内防灾减灾产品设计提供参考。文章分为室内防灾减灾产品的国内外研究现状、设计原则、设计策略及对此类产品的设计趋势分析四个部分,总结了室内防灾减灾产品应具有的普遍特性,并提出此类产品设计时所需注意的基本要点。以期为防灾减灾产品设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article is based on the current situation of frequent natural and man-made disasters, with the purpose of enhancing the disaster awareness of the people and product designers in daily life and work, and provides a reference for the design of indoor disaster prevention and mitigation products. The article is divided into four parts: domestic and international research status, design principles, design strategies, and design trend analysis of indoor disaster prevention and mitigation products. It summarizes the general characteristics of indoor disaster prevention and mitigation products and the design of such products. The basic points to pay attention to. The design and development of our national disaster mitigation products is still in the early stage. In order to provide some reference for disaster prevention and mitigation product design. 

Key Words:Indoor; Disaster; Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; Product Design