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单位:齐齐哈尔工程学院     作者:佟鑫,赵鹏,刘沣元     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:为了能够全面贯彻习总书记提出的“使各类课程与思想政治理论同向同行,形成协同效应”的指示,我国各大高校在个别专业,都开始融入课程思政教育理念。因此,在视觉传达设计专业中,为了能够让课程思政教学有效合理地与专业课程教学融合在一起,需要学校、教师、学生的共同努力。本文以《装饰与图案》课程为对象,探讨其课程思政教学的思路。首先,阐述了课程思政的概念,并对《装饰与图案》课程进行了分析;其次,讨论了《装饰与图案》课程思政教学的意义;最后,总结归纳了具体的教学思路。通过笔者的研究,旨在为高校视觉传达设计专业《装饰与图案》课程思政教学提供科学的依据。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:  In order to fully implement General Secretary Xi's instruction of "making all kinds of courses and ideological and political theories work together and form synergistic effects", universities in China have begun to integrate ideological and political education concepts into their courses in individual majors. In the visual communication design major, in order to integrate the curriculum ideological and political teaching with the professional curriculum teaching effectively and reasonably, the joint efforts of schools, teachers, and students are needed. This article takes the course of "Decoration and Pattern" as the object to discuss the ideas of its ideological and political teaching. Firstly, it expounds the concept of ideological and political courses, and summarizes the course of "Decoration and Patterns"; secondly, the significance of ideological and political teaching of "Decoration and Patterns" course; finally, summarizes the specific teaching ideas. Through the author's research, it aims to provide a scientific basis for the ideological and political teaching of the course "Decoration and Pattern" of the visual communication design major in colleges and universities.

Key Words:Visual communication design; Decoration and pattern; Curriculum ideology; teaching