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单位:山西传媒学院...     作者:魏文静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:移动短视频设计需要新的途径关注用户体验,以更好地面向未来的设计挑战。本文围绕体验设计的思维,以抖音为例,基于体验EEI模型来关注移动短视频的整体体验水平,以及用户在产品中的深层次人性需求。重点包括在体验期许环节优化用户画像并增加场景触点、体验过程中弱化现实与媒介,以及提升个人感知价值并形成群体流行趋势。以期更好地为产品发展而服务,保证全新的设计有效性。


中图分类号:TP311.56 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Mobile short video product design requires a new approach to focus on user experience to better face future design challenges. This paper uses experience design thinking, taking Douyin as an example, based on the experience EEI model to focus on the overall experience level of mobile short video,and the deep-seated human needs of users . The focus includes optimizing persona and increasing trigger points at the stage of expectation; weakening reality and media in the experience process, and enhancing personal perception value and forming a group fashion trend. in order to better serve the product development and ensure the effectiveness of the design.

Key Words:Experience Design; Mobile; Short Video Design