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单位:广州番禺职业...     作者:张雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:交互式智能技术的快速发展与普及,促使了各行各业实现全新的发展。该技术为玩具设计领域提供强有力支撑,利于设计出用户满意的玩具产品,实现用户对于高品质生活的追求。基于此,本文首先概述了交互式智能技术的内涵,其次探讨了交互式智能技术在玩具设计中的应用原则与策略,希望对未来交互式智能技术在玩具设计中的创新应用提供推动作用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rapid development and popularization of interactive intelligent technology have prompted all walks of life to achieve new development. Among them, this technology also provides a strong technical support for the field of toy design, so as to meet users' requirements for high quality life through the use of products. Based on this, this paper first Outlines the connotation of interactive intelligent technology, and then discusses the application principles and strategies of interactive intelligent technology in toy design, hoping to provide impetus for the innovation of interactive intelligent technology in toy design in the future.

Key Words:Interactive Intelligent; toy design; application; principle; strategy