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单位:江西财经大学...     作者:李刚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:随着城市化进程与科技、产业现代化的飞速发展,产生的历史旧物在空间设计中的利用与再生成为可持续设计的焦点。本文通过对中国考古文玩市场现况的调查、历史旧物的概念及介入空间设计的作用进行分析,提出“原旧物介入空间设计”“仿旧物介入空间设计”“新生旧物介入空间设计”三种历史旧物介入空间设计的方式。以期为旧物艺术介入空间设计提供一定的支撑与借鉴。


中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of urbanization, science and technology and industrial modernization, the utilization and regeneration of a large number of historical objects in space design has become the focus of sustainable design. Based on the investigation of the current situation of China's antique market and the analysis of the concept of historical objects and the role of intervening in space design, this paper puts forward three types and ways of intervening in space design of historical objects, namely, the original objects intervening in space design, the imitation objects intervening in space design and the new objects intervening in space design, in order to provide some support and reference for the old objects art intervening in space design Learn from.

Key Words:historical objects; intervention; space design; The Ways