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单位:吉林艺术学院...     作者:于阔,邵兵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:自闭症是一种多发于儿童的病症,被归类为一种由于神经系统失调导致的发育障碍。自闭症儿童通常无法像正常孩子一样在手机和电脑上体验游戏,其主要原因是存在注意力缺陷。体感游戏是通过肢体动作变化来操控游戏,对比传统电子游戏,其互动性更强、综合性更强,适合于辅助自闭症儿童进行注意力训练及互动性训练。文章通过分析自闭症儿童的特征,探讨面向自闭症儿童的体感游戏设计思路。以期为自闭症儿童的日常游戏方式与康复训练模式提供新的设计思路。


中图分类号:TP317 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Autism is a condition that affects most children and is classified as a developmental disorder caused by a nervous system disorder. Children with autism are often unable to play games on mobile phones and computers in the same way as normal children. The main reason is attention deficit. Kinesthetic games control the game through changes in body movements. Compared with traditional video games, they are more interactive and comprehensive, which is suitable for assisting autistic children in attention training and interactive training. By analyzing the characteristics of autistic children, this paper discusses the idea of motion sensing game design for autistic children. In order to provide a new design idea for autistic children's daily play mode and rehabilitation training mode.

Key Words:Autistic Children; Motion Sensing game; Function of the game; Design