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单位:湖南工业大学...     作者:刘宗明,陆柳亦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:旅游厕所所存在的问题随着我国旅游业的不断发展而日益突显。本文以广西三江大侗寨景区为例,对当地旅游厕所进行实地考察,并通过用户旅程图和问卷调查的方式,分析总结大侗寨旅游厕所的不足,提出相应的优化策略去解决目前三江大侗寨旅游厕所的问题。以期为其他景区的旅游厕所优化设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:TU242.9 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the continuous development of China's tourism industry, the problems of tourist toilets are increasingly prominent. Taking Sanjiang Dong village scenic area as an example, this paper makes an on-the-spot investigation on the local tourist toilets, analyzes and summarizes the shortcomings of Dong village tourist toilets through user journey map and questionnaire survey, and puts forward corresponding optimization strategies to solve the problems of Sanjiang Dong village tourist toilets, so as to provide certain reference value for the optimized design of tourist toilets in other scenic areas.

Key Words:User experience; Tourist toilet; Optimized design