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单位:广州南方学院...     作者:林丹,颜成宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:数字媒体技术利用自身多种技术优势创造出丰富的展览展示空间、沉浸式体验空间,并改善传统空间中展览场地的局限、展品展示的单调、信息传播的低效等问题,有助于提升展品的文化传播性。首先,文章对数字媒体技术和展览展示空间的概念进行了论述;其次,说明数字媒体技术在展览展示空间中的应用意义与应用原则;最后,以上海世博会沙特馆为例,对展览展示空间中如何合理运用数字媒体技术达到理想的传播效果提供了相关分析。希望通过本文的研究,能为展览展示空间的未来发展提供新的思路。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Digital media technology uses its multiple technological advantages to create a rich exhibition space and immersive experience space. It will improve the limitations of exhibition venues in traditional spaces, the monotony of exhibits, and the inefficiency of information dissemination, which will help enhance the cultural dissemination of exhibits. Firstly, this article discusses the concept of digital media technology and exhibition space. Secondly, it explains the application significance and application principles of digital media technology in the exhibition space. Finally, taking the Saudi Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo as an example, it provides relevant suggestions on how to rationally use digital media technology to achieve ideal communication effects in the exhibition space.It is hoped that the research in this article can provide new ideas for the future development of exhibition space.

Key Words:Digital Media Technology; Exhibition Space; Application; Communication; World Expo