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单位:泰山学院     作者:闫莹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:文章以《产品设计程序与方法》为依托进行课程思政建设,首先分析思政育人的概念及其在课程教学中的应用意义,然后提出思政育人理念在课程教学中的应用思路,最后应用于实践。通过本文的研究,以期在《产品设计程序与方法》课程中隐性地融入思政育人理念,寓价值观引导于理论知识传授和实践能力培养之中,培养学生成为具有家国情怀、创新精神及社会责任感的应用型设计人才。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on "product design procedures and methods", the paper carries out the ideological and political construction of the course. Firstly, it analyzes the concept of Values education concept and its application significance in the course teaching, then puts forward the application ideas of Values education concept in the course teaching, and finally applied in practice. Through the research of this paper, we hope to integrate the concept of Values education into the curriculum of product design procedures and methods, integrate values into the teaching of theoretical knowledge and the cultivation of practical ability, and cultivate students to become applied design talents with family feelings, innovative spirit and social responsibility.

Key Words:the Ideological and Political Education; Product design procedures and methods; Teaching; Application; Mentality