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单位:茂名职业技术...     作者:贲雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:OBE理念是以目的与结果为导向,其打破了传统的教学模式,以培养高职应用型人才为目标。文章以手帐图形表达形式为载体,并结合OBE理念,探讨高职《建筑史》课程的教学改革实践。以期通过对教学改革后的教学成果进行反思、总结与分析,为建立更完善的《建筑史》课程体系提供理论与实践支持。

关键词:OBE理念;手帐图形表达形式 ;建筑史;应用

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The concept of OBE is purpose-oriented and result-oriented, which breaks the traditional teaching mode and aims at cultivating applied talents in higher vocational colleges. This paper discusses the teaching reform practice of the course "history of architecture" in higher vocational colleges with the method of manual ledger and the concept of OBE. It is expected to provide theoretical and practical support for the establishment of a more perfect curriculum system of Architectural History through the reflection, summary and analysis of the teaching achievements after the teaching reform.

Key Words:OBE Concept; Hand Ledger Graphic Expression Form; Architectural History; Application