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单位:南京工业大学     作者:周李辉,张伟中,曾永富     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:现如今,设计的重要性逐渐被企业所重视,但是通过设计来节约成本这一理念还未被广泛地认知,仅仅凭借提高设备利用率与缩减人工成本已经不能满足企业提升利润的迫切需求,所以,产品设计中的成本控制需要进一步地深入研究并落实实践。本文首先对产品设计与成本控制进行研究,其次论讨产品设计中成本控制的意义,最后对产品设计中的成本控制策略及方法进行探讨。通过本文的研究,以期通过更加完善的成本控制来提高企业经济效益。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, the importance of design is gradually being valued by enterprises, but the concept of cost saving through design has not been widely recognized. Only by improving equipment utilization and reducing labor costs cannot meet the urgent needs of enterprises to increase profits.  Therefore, cost control in product design needs to be further studied and implemented in practice.  This article first conducts research on product design and cost control, secondly, discusses the meaning of cost control in product design, and finally discusses cost control strategies and methods in product design. Through the research of this article, we hope to improve the economic benefits of enterprises through more perfect cost control.

Key Words:product design; cost control; strategy