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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:马瑞果,林伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:本文以可持续设计为导向,以无用理念为基础,反思现代生活方式,从文化、情感及材料等方面分析基于无用理念的可持续设计方法。文章归纳总结出另为他用、回收利用及分解应用三种可持续设计方法,并分别对应无用转有用、有用变巧用、无用无不用三个阶段,以此来引导人们珍视资源、助力环保,将无用之物重新利用,实现价值的再创造及设计的可持续。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article is guided by sustainable design, based on the concept of uselessness, reflecting on modern lifestyles, and analyzing the sustainable design methods based on the concept of uselessness from the aspects of culture, emotion and materials. The article summarized three sustainable design methods for other uses, recycling, and decomposing, respectively corresponding to the three stages of useless to useful, useful to useless, and useless to use, so as to guide people to cherish resources and promote environmental protection. Reuse useless things to realize the re-creation of value and the sustainability of design.

Key Words: Useless idea; sustainable; design