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单位:长春工业大学     作者:迟瑞丰,蒋宇松     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:仿生设计是以仿生学的理论为基础,若将该理论应用在产品设计中将是一种全新的设计理念。文章将仿生设计应用于儿童平衡车的设计之中,并结合形态、结构、功能及色彩四个方面论述了仿生设计对于儿童平衡车创新设计的重要性。旨在通过合理应用仿生设计,让儿童平衡车在日常生活中更加贴合儿童及家长的实际使用需求。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Bionic design is a new design concept based on the bionics theory and then applied to product design. This paper applies bionic design to the design of children's balance car, and discusses the importance of bionic design to the innovative design of children's balance car from four aspects of shape, structure, function and color. The purpose is to make children's balance car fit the actual needs of children and parents in daily life through the rational use of bionic design.

Key Words:Bionics design; Children's balance car; Innovative design; Application