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单位:天津科技大学...     作者:郭铁军,刘思宁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:移动母婴室是一种微型的可移动的公共母婴服务设施,可为母婴群体提供哺乳、换尿布等基本育婴服务。然而部分移动母婴室内设施设计不完善,卫生情况差,位置标识不明显,难以满足用户需求。因此,文章从用户行为角度入手,观察并分析移动母婴室用户的行为、操作习惯等,结合用户群体的生理及心理特征,挖掘用户在使用过程中所需的显性需求及隐性需求,以期为用户提供更为舒适优质的育婴服务。


中图分类号:TU247 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Mobile mother and infant cabin is a miniature movable public maternal and child service facility that can provide basic nursing services such as breastfeeding and diaper changing for mother and child groups. However, some mobile maternal and infant indoor facilities are not well designed, sanitary conditions are poor, and location marks are not obvious, making it difficult to meet user needs.Therefore, this article starts from the perspective of user behavior, observes and analyzes the user behavior and operating habits of the mobile baby care room, combines the physiological and psychological characteristics of the user group, and taps the explicit and implicit needs of the user during the use process. In order to provide users with more comfortable and high-quality infant care services.

Key Words:User Behavior; Mobile Mother and Infant Cabin; Design