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单位:福州工商学院     作者:江霞,杨炜丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:极简主义的风靡与我们现代的生活理念息息相关,它追求功能至上的原则,主张用最少的资源发挥美,简化生活流程,无形中与现代高效的生活与工作不谋而合。文章从空间布局、色彩、家具选择、灯光与材料等方面入手探讨了极简主义风格在室内环境设计中的应用。以期通过对空间布局设计和色彩搭配让人更加注重生活本身,脱离冗杂的表面。


中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The popularity of minimalism is closely related to our modern philosophy of life. It pursues the principle of function first, advocating the use of the least resources to bring out the best of beauty and simplify the flow of life, virtually coincide with the modern and efficient life and work. This paper discusses the application of minimalist style in indoor environment from the aspects of space layout, color, furniture selection, lighting and materials. Through to the spatial layout design and the color match and so on lets the human pay more attention to the life itself, breaks away from the miscellaneous surface.

Key Words:Minimalism; Interior Design; Application