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单位:山西工程技术...     作者:毕瑞芳,石华林     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-22

摘 要:本文从增强产品的交互体验、促进消费者的产品购买力、提高产品信息化传播等方面探究全息技术在产品展示中的应用优势,根据全息技术在产品展示中的应用优势进行分析,研究全息技术在产品展示中的应用方法,从运用全息技术拓展产品展示的“海量”存储和通过全息技术突破产品展示的空间维度两个方面进行阐述。通过本文的研究,以期为产品展示提供一定的思路。

关键词:全息技术 ;产品展示;应用

中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article explores the application advantages of holographic technology in product display from the aspects of enhancing the interactive experience of products, promoting consumers’ product purchasing power, and improving product information dissemination. Based on the application advantages of holographic technology in product display, it analyzes and studies the advantages of holographic technology. The application method of product display is explained from two aspects: the use of holographic technology to expand the "mass" storage of product display and the breakthrough of the spatial dimension of product display through holographic technology. Through the research of this article, we hope to provide some ideas for product display.

Key Words:Holographic technology; Product display; application