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新工科背景下基于知识生产理论的《设计史》 课程体系探索

单位:北京信息科技大学     作者:安丛,李洪海     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-22

摘 要:在新工科发展背景下,人才培养模式和教学模式发生了深刻变革,设计史论教学需要重新建立相适应的课程教学体系。针对当前课程设计与学生学科知识不匹配的问题,本文基于知识生产理论,试图从知识取向、内容体系、授课模式、教学目标四方面构建《设计史》课程体系。在新工科发展和复合型知识结构的需求下,以更新、扩展课程内容为手段,探索与建设适合机械工程学科的课程体系,在强化教学、拓宽专业口径、培养复合型人才等方面具有重要意义。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of the development of new engineering disciplines, the talent training model and teaching model have undergone profound changes, and the teaching of design history theory needs to re-establish a suitable curriculum teaching system. Aiming at the problem of the mismatch between the current curriculum design and the students' subject knowledge, this article is based on the knowledge production theory, and tries to construct a history theory curriculum system under the background of a new engineering subject from four aspects: knowledge orientation, content system, teaching mode, and teaching objectives. Under the development of new engineering disciplines and the needs of a complex knowledge structure, we will use the means of updating and expanding the content of the curriculum to explore and construct a design history curriculum system suitable for the discipline of mechanical engineering, in order to strengthen teaching, broaden the scope of professionalism, and cultivate compound talents. It is of great significance.

Key Words:new engineering disciplines; Knowledge Production Theory; history of design; curriculum structure