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单位:哈尔滨理工大学     作者:苏鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-22

摘 要:文章以构建城市整体形象为目标,将城市公共艺术作为具体的研究对象,深入挖掘其与城市文脉、城市发展和城市宜居环境建设的关系,从满足人们现代精神和审美需求的视角,从主题、形态、文化内涵等方面探讨其设计策略,力图将城市公共艺术作为一种独立的城市形象要素来进行探讨,以期促进系统的城市形象构建和整体的城市可持续。


中图分类号:TS93 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper is aims at building the overall image of the city, takes the urban public art works as the specific research object, deeply excavates the relationship between them and the urban context, urban development and urban livable environment construction, and discusses the design principles from the perspective of meeting people's modern spiritual and aesthetic needs, from the theme, form, cultural connotation and other aspects, This paper tries to discuss the urban public art works as an independent element of urban image, in order to promote the systematic construction of urban image and the overall sustainable development of the city.

Key Words:City Image; Image Construction; Public Art; Design Principles