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单位:西安建筑科技...     作者:于东飞,王新叶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:陕西尧头窑陶瓷生产历史悠久,村落景观很大程度上反映了陶瓷生产的自然环境及居民传统的审美观念、地域风俗、思想意识等。通过对尧头村的特色分析可知,尧头村丰富的自然地理要素和历史人文要素共同构成了空间结构清晰、精神内涵独特的古窑址村落景观。研究据此分别从宏观的整体环境保护、中观的空间分区优化以及微观的艺术特色延续等方面,探索了乡村振兴战略视角下尧头村景观保护的基本策略。以期带动尧头村地区社会、经济、文化的复兴。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The ceramic production of Yaotou Kiln in Shaanxi Province has a long history. The village landscape largely reflects the natural environment of ceramic production and the residents' traditional aesthetic concepts, regional customs and ideological consciousness. Through the analysis of the characteristics of Yaotou Village, it can be seen that the rich natural geographical elements and historical and cultural elements of Yaotou Village together constitute the landscape of ancient kiln site village with clear spatial structure and unique spiritual connotation. Based on this, this paper explores the basic strategies for landscape protection of Yaotou Village from the perspective of rural revitalization strategy, from the macro overall environmental protection, the medium spatial zoning optimization and the micro artistic characteristics continuation. In order to drive the social, economic and cultural revival of Yaotou Village.

Key Words:Rural Revitalization; Yaotou Village; Shaanxi Province; Landscape Protection