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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:牛丽娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:徽州地区的彩绘壁画是用以装饰徽州民居墙角、屋檐、门楣等建筑外观节点的彩色壁画,其作为我国传统文化的重要积淀之一,具有内在的生命力与深沉的文化底蕴。本文通过对徽州地区彩绘壁画的研究,挖掘其形成的历史由来与逐渐衰落的现状,分析如何才能做好这一传统工艺的保护与传承,并提出一些可供参考的建议。


中图分类号:J205 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The painted murals in the Huizhou area are used to decorate the corners, eaves, lintels and other architectural appearance nodes of Huizhou folk houses. As one of the important accumulations of traditional culture in my country, they have inherent vitality and deep cultural heritage. In this paper, through the study of the painted murals in Huizhou area, the historical origins and the declining status quo of its formation are explored, how to protect and inherit this traditional craft can be done well, and put forward some suggestions for reference.

Key Words:Huizhou; painted murals; inheritance; protection