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单位:安阳工学院     作者:李航,刘然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:以知识传授为主的传统教学模式已经阻碍了学生创新能力和实践能力的发展,而PBL(Project-Based Learning,项目化教学,以下简称PBL)教学模式能够围绕“项目”展开教学,通过分析、探究、协作、评价等环节促进师生能力的共同提高。因此,本文将针对工业设计专业课程教学存在的问题,探究PBL教学模式在其中的应用方法,通过两个教学案例分析PBL教学模式对师、生两个群体的影响以及对教学过程的推动作用。通过本文的研究,旨在剖析PBL教学模式在工业设计专业课程教学中实施的可行性,以期促进教学质量的提升。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The ‘Knowledge transfer’traditional teaching mode has hidered the development of students’  innovation ability and practical ability,PBL teaching mode turnes mainly on ‘project’ that through analysis, exploration,collaboration,assessment to promote ability enhancement of teachers and students together ,this paper analyzes the existing problems in specialized course of Industrial design,discuss the application of PBL teaching mode for Industrial Design,research two teaching cases to analyse the effect on teachers and students,and how to produce positive impact to teaching procedure, this paper puts forward to promote the teaching quality through dissecting the implementation feasibility of PBL teaching mode in course teaching.

Key Words:PBL; Industrial Design; Course; Teaching; Application