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单位:晋中信息学院     作者:闫晓英,刘晓婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:《设计概论》是高校艺术设计专业必修基础课,该课程基础性强、覆盖面广,是开展艺术设计专业课程思政教育的很好平台。文章围绕高校艺术设计专业《设计概论》课程思政教学,探索其如何立足自身专业特色,梳理课程中蕴藏的思政元素,创新教学方法,将专业教学与思政教育有效融合。通过本文研究,以期为高校艺术设计专业课程思政建设提供有益借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Introduction to design" is a compulsory basic course for art design major in colleges and universities. It is a good platform for ideological and political education of Art Design Major. Focusing on the ideological and political education of the course "introduction to design" of art design major in colleges and universities, this paper explores how to base on its own specialty characteristics, comb the ideological and political elements contained in the course, innovate the teaching methods, and integrate the professional teaching and ideological and political education effectively. Through this study, in order to provide useful reference for the ideological and political construction of art design courses in colleges and universities.

Key Words:Art Design Major; Introduction to design; ideological and Political Education; teaching reform; method