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单位:北京理工大学...     作者:刘诗宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:当提及日本设计的时候,我们时常能够感受到其简约的外形当中所蕴含的禅意美学,并被它们所传达的意境所打动。而其追求的“回归设计本真”的哲学正是受到了日本传统美学理念的影响,“物哀”“幽玄”与“侘寂”正是其中重要思想内容的体现。文章剖析了日本古典美学在民族文化当中的渗透以及对美学流向变化的影响,并举例分析在设计中是如何通过日本传统美学体现设计者所要传达的心境。呼吁中国设计师要深入了解中华传统美学的气韵并在设计中加以运用,设计出更加具有中华文化特色的作品。


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A


Abstract:When it comes to the design, we often can feel its contracted restraint contained in the shape of the zen aesthetics, and was moved by what they convey the artistic conception of, and the pursuit of "return to nature" design philosophy is influenced by the traditional Japanese aesthetic concept, "cry", "mysterious" and "wabi-sabi" is the embodiment of the important content in the thought, the article will analyze the Japanese classical aesthetics in the penetration of national culture and the aesthetic changes in the flow, and an example analysis of the design is how to convey through the Japanese traditional aesthetics embodies the designer's state of mind, called on the Chinese designers have a thorough understanding of the Chinese traditional aesthetics, artistically and be used in the design, Design more with Chinese cultural characteristics of the works.

Key Words:the Japanese traditional aesthetics; Aesthetic concept; Design embodiment