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单位:南京工业大学     作者:刘雨      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:趣味化、情感化设计可以增强时钟产品的情感属性,使时钟产品的设计重点转移到消费者对产品情感功能的需求上,为时钟产品设计开辟新的途径与方向。本文以趣味化为切入点,对时钟产品的形态、材料、结构、功能四个设计要素进行创新设计。以期满足消费者个性化的需求,使时钟兼具实用功能、审美功能与情感功能。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Interesting and emotional design can enhance the emotional attributes of clock products and shift the focus of clock product design to consumers' demand for emotional functions, thus opening up a new way and direction for clock product design. This paper takes the interest as the breakthrough point, carries on the innovation design to the clock product's four design elements of form, material, structure and function. In order to meet the personalized needs of consumers, the clock has both practical, aesthetic and emotional functions.

Key Words:Interesting; Clock; Innovative design