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单位:华南农业大学...     作者:刘睿靖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:在20世纪现代主义运动中,荷兰风格派作为重要的流派之一,影响了后来的建筑设计与室内设计,并形成了鲜明的艺术特征。本文从荷兰风格派的兴起入手,通过分析其艺术思想与特征对建筑设计与室内设计的影响,以及其经过抽象与简化后在建筑设计与室内设计形式上的应用,来探究荷兰风格派对伊姆斯住宅设计的影响。以期对住宅设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TU-86 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the modernist movement of the 20th century, the Dutch style school, as one of the important schools, greatly influenced the later architecture design and interior design, and formed distinct artistic features.Starting from the rise of the Dutch style school, this paper analyzes the influence of its artistic ideas and characteristics on architecture design and interior design, and the application of its abstract and simplified forms in architecture design and interior design, explore the influence of Dutch style on the design of Eames house. In order to provide some reference for residential design.

Key Words:Dutch style; Eames house Design; Influence