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单位:南通大学     作者:丁渊渊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:扶贫是我国重要战略部署之一。文章首先阐述了设计扶贫理的相关内容;其次,从秸秆产品生产成本、产品种类、艺术审美这三个方面论述了秸秆产品现存问题;而后,从生态、社会、文化三个方面详细阐述基于设计扶贫理念的秸秆产品创新设计的价值;最后,提出秸秆产品创新设计的思路。通过文章的研究,以期对基于设计扶贫理念的秸秆产品创新设计有更深层次的理解。

关键词:设计扶贫;秸秆产品;创新; 设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Poverty alleviation is one of China's important strategic deployments. This article first expounds the related content of designing poverty alleviation theory; Secondly, the existing problems of straw products are discussed from the material supply, market limitation and artistic presentation of straw products. Furthermore, the innovative design value of straw products based on the concept of poverty alleviation by design is elaborated in detail from three aspects of ecology, society and culture. Finally, a idea of innovative design of straw products is put forward. Through the research of this paper, we hope to have a deeper understanding of the innovative design of straw products based on the concept of poverty alleviation by design.

Key Words:Design poverty alleviation; Straw products; Innovation; Design