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单位:沈阳大学     作者:周孟雅,关佳征     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:人们对人文地理的认知还仅限于表层或已知领域,甚至于连自己生活的地方都不甚了解。而艺术设计的发展为人文地理注入了新的生机,从而也加深了人们对人文地理的认知,让人文地理可以走出家门,走向世界。在这个过程中,艺术设计也因人文地理不同的地理分布和人文现象扩散和变化。艺术设计不仅带动了人文地理的发展,更是让濒临灭绝的人文地理拥有了生存的机会。人文地理同时也带给艺术设计更多的发展方向。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:People's cognition of human geography is still limited to the surface or known field, and even do not know much about the place they live in. The development of art design injects new vitality into human geography, which also deepens people's cognition of human geography, so that human geography can go out of the home and go to the world. In this process, artistic design also increases the diversity and difference due to the different geographical distribution and human phenomenon , diffusion and change of human geography. Art design not only drives the development of human geography, but also gives the endangered human geography a chance to survive. At the same time, human geography has brought many new development directions to art design.

Key Words:Art Design; Diversity; Human Geography; New Life