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单位:南京理工大学     作者:胡静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:TOD(Transit Oriented Development)模式是以公共站点为中心加强社区周边功能区的紧密性,以减少不必要的道路出行,从而降低私家车的使用,其核心是人性化的步行空间设计。文章首先分析了目前社区街道交通现状,然后提出基于 TOD 模式的未来社区街道交通场景设想及交通适老化设计的思路。以期满足老年人的出行需求,优化社区街道的交通环境。


中图分类号:TU984.113 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Transit Oriented Development (TOD) mode focuses on public stations to strengthen the closeness of functional areas around the community, reduce unnecessary road trips, and thus reduce the use of private cars. Its core is humanized pedestrian space design. This paper first analyzes the current situation of community street traffic, and then puts forward the idea of future community street traffic scenario based on TOD mode and the idea of traffic aging design. In order to meet the travel needs of the elderly and optimize the traffic environment of community streets.

Key Words:Tod Model; Community of the future; Elderly-Oriented Traffict; The Aging Design