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单位:河北工程大学     作者:邢婕,王爱峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:多功能护理床对于需要护理的人来说及其重要,但是目前我国多功能护理床存在结构复杂、不易操作等问题,给人的体验感较差。因此,文章基于KANO 模型与 TRIZ 理论分析失能老年人及护理人员的需求,对多功能护理床进行优化设计。以期提升用户的体验感,同时为其他相关产品设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Multifunctional nursing bed is very important for people who need nursing, but at present, there are problems such as complex structure and difficult operation of multifunctional nursing bed in Our country, giving people a poor sense of experience. Therefore, based on KANO model and TRIZ theory, this paper analyzes the needs of disabled elderly people and nursing staff, and optimizes the design of multi-functional nursing bed. In order to improve the user's sense of experience, at the same time for other related product design to provide some reference.

Key Words:Kano Model; TRIZ theory; Multi-function; Nursing Bed Design