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单位:云南艺术学院...     作者:范太朝,杨春锁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:云南省易门县摆依村三面环山,村庄掩映在层峦叠嶂的青山之中,村庄依山而建,民居错落有致,静谧古朴的彝家风情与自然环境融为一体。文章着重从改变村庄功能结构布局、合理布局道路及绿化景观、调整产业规划布局三方面阐述乡村振兴战略下易门县摆依村人居环境的活化路径。以期为后面建设生态宜居村庄提供参考。


中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Paiyi village in Yimen County, Yunnan Province is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The village is hidden in the mountains. The village is built close to the mountain, with scattered folk houses. The quiet and simple Yi style is integrated with the natural environment. This paper focuses on the exploration of the activation path of the living environment of Paiyi village in Yimen County under the Rural Revitalization Strategy from three aspects: changing the layout of village functional structure, reasonably arranging roads and greening landscape, and adjusting the layout of industrial planning. In order to provide reference significance for the construction of ecological and livable villages.

Key Words:Rural Revitalization; Living Environment; Baiyi Village; Rural Activation Path