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单位:1.重庆大学艺...     作者:刘秋雨,李刚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:基于地理空间数据类型复杂且数据量大,传统的数据可视化方式难以满足信息挖掘与分析的要求等问题,文章从具身认知理论出发,结合沉浸式可视化系统中的用户体验层次,并结合案例提出基于具身认知理论的沉浸式地理空间数据可视化设计策略,以期为沉浸式地理空间数据可视化的设计提供可借鉴的方法。


中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the complex types of geospatial data and the large amount of data, traditional data visualization methods are difficult to meet the requirements of information mining and analysis. This article starts from the embodied cognitive theory, combines the user experience levels in the immersive visualization system, and combines cases A design strategy for immersive geospatial data visualization based on embodied cognition theory is proposed, in order to provide a reference method for the design of immersive geospatial data visualization.

Key Words:Embodied cognition; immersive; Geospatial; Data; Visualization design