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单位:福州大学     作者:江欣颖,洪歆慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:文章依据用户体验理论,采用观察法、实地调研、访谈法分析用户的行为特征,并建立用户模型,分别得出家长和儿童两类用户群体在观展过程中的关键接触点和情感体验。通过生成全局旅程地图比对两者观展过程中体验的峰谷差异,多渠道挖掘影响观众体验的关键场景,并利用“拔高波峰”“填平波谷”“延伸体验”“优化触点”等方式对科技馆展览进行要素提炼、流程优化、交互创新,提出营造期待、优化路径、加强互动等提升展览体验的优化策略。以期为科技馆展览设计提供一定参考。


中图分类号:G315 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the user experience theory, this paper adopts observation method, field research and interview method to analyze user behavior characteristics and establish user model, and respectively obtain the key contact points and emotional experience of parents and children in the process of visiting the exhibition. By generating a global journey map to compare the peaks and valleys experienced by parents and children in the process of visiting the exhibition, the key scenes affecting the audience experience are explored through multiple channels.In addition, methods such as "lifting the peak", "filling the trough", "extending the experience" and "optimizing the contact point" were used to extract elements, optimize the process and make interactive innovations for the science and technology museum.Finally, it puts forward the optimization strategies of creating expectation, optimizing path and strengthening interaction to enhance exhibition experience.It is expected to provide some reference for the exhibition design of science and technology museum.

Key Words:User Experience; science museum exhibition; Exhibition Design; Touch Point