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单位:太原工业学院     作者:樊婧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:研究从概念、原则及呈现形式三方面对服务设计进行梳理,以产品设计中的“人—事—物”为研究对象,探讨产品设计在当前技术革新背景下功能及形式的转变,人的需求产生与物的形态性质二者互为影响,互相促进。梳理服务设计思维在产品设计中进行应用时具有的丰富视角、扩大内容及构建语境的三重意义。运用服务设计五原则探求“人—事—物”三者之间的动态关系及发展,从用户视角多元化、行为层面连续化和功能设计内隐化三方面分析服务设计思维在产品设计中的应用思路,为相关设计应用提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article sorts out service design from concepts, principles and presentation forms. It takes "people-events-things" in product design as the research object, and discusses the changes in function and form of product design in the context of current technological innovation, the generation of human needs and the morphology and nature of things influence each other and promote each other. It combs the triple significance of expanding content, enriching perspectives, and constructing context in the application of service design thinking in product design. It uses five principles of service design to explore the dynamic relationship and development between the three-"people-events-things", and analyze the role of service design thinking in product design from the perspectives of diversification of users, continuity of behaviors, and concealment of functional design. Application ideas, related design and application provide a certain reference.

Key Words:Service Design; Product Design; Application; Ideas