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单位:韩国弘益大学     作者:林霏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:为了让艺术治疗方式服务于大众,可以将多媒体展示技术应用于艺术治疗空间中,不仅能在听觉与视觉上给人们带来一定的震撼力和全新的治疗体验,而且能够大大地提升艺术治疗空间的趣味性与治愈效果。文章首先阐述了艺术治疗与艺术治疗空间,然后对多媒体展示技术在艺术治疗空间中的应用意义进行了分析,最后探讨了多媒体展示技术在舒缓体验馆空间中的应用实践。以期为多媒体展示技术在艺术治疗空间中的应用提供参考。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to make the art therapy method serve the public, multimedia technology can be applied to the art therapy space, which can not only bring people a certain shock and brand new treatment experience in hearing, vision and sense sense, but also greatly improve the interest and healing effect of the art therapy space. This article first introduces an overview of art therapy and art therapy space, and then analyzes the application significance of multimedia display technology in art therapy space, and finally discusses the application practice of multimedia display technology in soothing experience hall space. Through the research of this article, I hope to provide a reference for the application of multimedia display technology in art therapy space.

Key Words:Multimedia display technology; Art Therapy Space; Application