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单位:西华大学     作者:李翠翠,王崇东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:随着线上外卖行业的飞速发展,线上订餐的方式带给消费者极大的便利,但同时也带来了相应的环境问题。文章运用服务设计思维,分析移动端中外卖餐具回收系统存在的现有问题,并将新的服务模式体现在相应的移动端界面上,建立线上线下一体化的外卖餐具回收系统服务模式,让外卖餐具的服务流程从单线变成可循环再利用的闭环形式,从而激发消费者对外卖餐具回收的积极性,减少污染,促进外卖行业的绿色、可持续发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of the online food delivery industry, while the online meal ordering model is convenient for consumers, it also brings corresponding environmental problems. The article uses service design thinking and methods, analyze the existing problems of take-out tableware recycling system in the mobile, and reflect the new service model on the corresponding mobile interface . Establish an integrated online and offline take-out tableware recycling system service model, and change the service process of take-out tableware from a single line to a closed-loop form that can be recycled. This will stimulate consumers' enthusiasm for catering waste recycling, reduce pollution, and promote the green and sustainable development of the food delivery industry.

Key Words:Mobile terminal; take-out cutlery; recycling system; service design