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单位:常熟理工学院     作者:冯雅婧,李岩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:文章通过梳理情境体验设计和高科技产品展示视频的相关理论,进而介绍情境体验设计在高科技产品展示视频中的应用价值,并结合相关案例,分析情境体验设计在高科技产品展示视频中的应用方法。带有情境体验的高科技产品展示视频,便于用户更轻松地了解高科技产品的功能和使用方法,文章通过对情景体验设计在高科技展示视频中的应用研究,期望弥合产品设计师与用户心智模型之间的鸿沟。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article sorts out the relevant theories of situational experience design and high-tech product display videos, and then introduces the application value of situational experience design in high-tech product display videos, and combines relevant cases to analyze the application of situational experience design in high-tech product display videos. method. High-tech product display videos with contextual experience make it easier for users to understand the functions and usage methods of high-tech products. The article hopes to bridge the minds of product designers and users through the application of contextual experience design in high-tech display videos. The gap between models.

Key Words:Situational Experience; Design; High Tech Products; Display; Application