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单位:安徽宜飞思工...     作者:刘峰,赵亮,任尧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:文章首先通过用户调研获取用户需求分类,然后,采用模糊kano问卷对用户需求进行统计分析,计算出需求度指标,并结合系数分析划分产品的质量要素,挖掘出最能提升用户满意度的设计要素,最后,结合数据分析结果,从功能、外观和交互三方面对拉杆工具箱进行改进设计。以期为其他同类产品设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:First, conduct research on user needs and obtain user needs classification; secondly, use fuzzy kano questionnaire to statistically analyze user needs and calculate demand index, combine with coefficient analysis to classify product quality elements, and dig out key design elements to improve user satisfaction ; Finally, combining the above analysis, improve the design of the drawbar toolbox from the three aspects of function, appearance and interaction. In order to provide a reference for the design of other similar products.  

Key Words: Industrial Design; User Requirements; Fuzzy Kano Model; rod tool box Design