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单位:江苏信息职业...     作者:谭玉辉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:红色文化作为我国特定的先进文化类型,对其弘扬和传播的方式具有多样性特征,在不同的时代对其传承的形式也表现不一。传统意义下的红色文化产品早已不适合现代人们生活及审美的需要。红色文化创意产品作为红色文化传播的重要载体,应结合市场、紧跟时代,进行创新性设计,文章研究当下红色文化创意产品的发展现状,并提出相对应的市场设计策略,以期更好地弘扬和传播红色文化。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a specific type of advanced culture in our country, red culture has diverse characteristics in the way it is promoted and disseminated, and the form of its inheritance varies in different eras. Red cultural products in the traditional sense have long been unsuitable for modern people's life and aesthetic needs. As an important carrier of red cultural dissemination, red cultural creative products should be combined with the market and keep up with the times, and innovative designs should be carried out. The article studies the current development status of red cultural creative products and proposes corresponding market design strategies in order to better promote and Spread the red culture.

Key Words:red cultural;  creative products; design; development; strategy