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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:陈远昇,杨雨清,丁铮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:中国园林艺术经历了漫长岁月的发展,形成了别树一帜的园林体系。随着中西方文化的持续交流,在各方面都产生了影响。这些园林以传统造园理念为核心,应用了西方的美学和工艺,体现了该时期华侨的审美情趣。文章旨在以华侨文化的视角,通过实地调研厦门菽庄花园以及阅读相关文献,探析多元文化在中式园林营造中的应用体现及其蕴藏的历史文化价值,展现出中西文化交融下园林艺术发展的可能性。


中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese garden art has experienced a long history of development, forming a unique garden system. With the continuous exchange of Chinese and Western cultures, they have had an impact in all aspects. These gardens take the traditional gardening concept as the core, and apply Western aesthetics and technology to reflect the aesthetic taste of overseas Chinese in this period. From the perspective of overseas Chinese culture, through field investigation of Shuzhuang Garden in Xiamen and reading relevant literature, this paper explores the application of multiculturalism in Chinese garden construction and its historical and cultural value, and shows the possibility of garden art development under the integration of Chinese and Western cultures.  

Key Words:Overseas Chinese Culture; Shuzhuang Garden; Garden Construction; Application