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单位:丽水学院     作者:杨映靖,戴莹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:随着我国城市化进程的加快,很多古建筑、古民俗因缺乏有效保护正逐步消失。文章首先阐述了景宁畲族传统景观建筑的现状,然后分析了景宁畲族传统建筑的类型与装饰,最后提出景宁畲族传统景观建筑的保护和开发策略。以期通过保护和修复遗址遗迹、传承畲族文化价值体系,打造畲族品牌文化,实现可持续发展的目标。


中图分类号:TU986.4 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the acceleration of urbanization in China, many ancient buildings and folk customs are gradually disappearing due to lack of effective protection. Based on the description of the current situation of the traditional landscape architecture of the Jingning Yi ethnic group in Zhejiang Province, This paper first expounds the present situation of she minority's traditional landscape architecture in Jingning, then analyzes the types and decoration of she minority's traditional architecture in Jingning, and finally puts forward the protection and development strategy of she minority's traditional landscape architecture in Jingning. Through the protection and restoration of relics, inheritance of she cultural value system, build she brand culture, and achieve the goal of sustainable development.

Key Words:Jingning Yi; Traditional landscape architecture; Protection and development