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单位:黑龙江东方学院     作者:王璐璐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:随着文化艺术产业的发展,艺术设计专业毕业生的增多,艺术设计专业学生走向社会所面临的竞争也越来越激烈,因此艺术设计专业的课程教学要突出实践性和应用性。科技竞赛作为检验学生实践能力和学习成果的重要途径,与艺术设计专业教学的融合具有现实价值和应用意义,所以需要探索行之有效的融合路径和策略,对艺术设计专业的科技竞赛进行科学组织,创建和完善艺术设计专业学生的竞赛平台,加强对学生参与竞赛过程的指导与支持,提高艺术设计专业教师的综合素质,以期提高学生们的艺术设计水平。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the cultural and art industry, the number of graduates majoring in art and design has increased, and the competition faced by art design students in the society has become more and more fierce. Therefore, the teaching of art and design majors should emphasize practicality and application. As an important way to test students' practical ability and learning achievements, scientific racing are of practical value and practical significance in integrating with the teaching of art and design. Therefore, it is necessary to explore effective integration paths and strategies to scientifically organize science and technology competitions for art and design majors. , To create and improve a competition platform for art and design students, strengthen guidance and support for students' participation in the competition process, and improve the overall quality of art and design teachers, so as to improve the art and design level of students through science and technology competitions.

Key Words:Scientific Racing; Art Design Major; Practical Ability; Innovation Ability; Integration