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单位:中央美术学院...     作者:李文龙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:在现代医疗行业,机器人已经成为了医生手和脑的延伸。在挽救人类生命的“工作”中,机器人也扮演着重要的角色。植牙机器人是机器人科学领域各种尖端技术和思考与医学专业融合后的创新成果,植牙将作为最普遍的社会老龄化问题之一。解决种牙手术医生不足的问题,直接关系到老龄化社会需求和医疗资源平均化等问题。研究借助实际案例,挖掘机器人在医疗行业应用的创新点,并重点探讨植牙机器人的创新价值,以期在这方面取得一些成果。


中图分类号:TP242 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the modern medical industry, robots have become an extension of doctors’ hands and brains. In the "work" of saving human lives, robots also play an important role. Dental implant robot is the innovative result of the integration of various cutting-edge technologies and thinking in the field of robotics with the medical profession. Dental implant will be one of the most common social aging problems. It will solve the problem of insufficient dental implant surgeons. It is directly related to the needs of an aging society and the equalization of medical resources. The research uses actual cases to discover the innovative points of the application of robots in the medical industry, and focuses on the innovative value of dental implant robots, in order to achieve some results in this regard.

Key Words:Robotics; Innovative design; Disciplinary integration; Stomatology; Dental implants