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单位:广东建设职业...     作者:钟兴仪,孙太伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:合理地运用平面构成原理进行设计作品的情感表达,能够引起观者与设计者的情感共鸣,增强作品的感染力。本文从基本元素与构成方式两个方面,对平面构成的情感表达展开探讨,并分析了点线面在平面构成设计中的情感表达效果,阐述了不同平面构成方式在情感表达中的规律与作用。通过本文研究,以期在一定程度上丰富平面构成中的情感表达相关理论,并促进相关研究进一步发展。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rational use of the principle of plane composition to express the emotion of the design works can arouse the emotional resonance of the viewer and the designer, and enhance the appeal of the works. The article explores the emotional expression of plane composition from two aspects: basic elements and composition methods. In a word, the article analyzes the emotional expression effects of point, line and plane in plane composition design, and expounds the laws and functions of different plane composition methods in emotional expression. With the research of the article, to a certain extent, it has enriched the related theories of plane composition and emotion expression, and promoted the further development of related research.

Key Words:Plane Construction; Basic Elements; Construction Method; Emotional Expression