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单位:大连大学机械...     作者:尹晓娇,李丹,王梓颐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:本文首先对民族特色元素以及车载产品设计进行分析;其次阐述了民族特色元素在车载产品设计中的应用意义,即凸显产品特色、传承民族文化;最后总结归纳了民族特色元素在车载产品设计中的应用原则,即元素的强代表性、元素与产品相契合性、元素的展示性、元素意像可延展性四个原则,并进行了相应的设计实践。通过本文的应用研究,以期创新民族文化的传播路径,并为车载产品提供一定的设计思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Firstly, this paper analyzes ethnic characteristic elements and vehicle product design, and then expounds the application significance of ethnic characteristic elements in vehicle product design, that is, highlighting product characteristics and inheriting national culture. Finally, the application of national characteristic elements in vehicle product design is summarized, which should be followed by four principles: strong representativeness of elements, compatibility between elements and products, display of elements, and extensibility of elements, and the corresponding design practices are carried out. Through the application research of this paper, we hope to innovate the propagation path of national culture, and provide some design ideas for vehicle products.

Key Words:National characteristic elements; Vehicle-mounted products; Design; application